Vein Treatment

The appearance of spider veins or varicose veins, which occur when tiny blood vessels and capillaries become dilated, is a common cosmetic concern for many men and women. Spider veins are small, whereas varicose veins are large and can even be painful or uncomfortable. Whether for aesthetic or medical reasons, spider and varicose vein treatment is a common procedure that can yield excellent results.

Contact us online or call our office in Noblesville, Indiana to learn more about your options for vein treatment, including laser vein treatment, sclerotherapy and vein surgery. Our team of surgeons has helped thousands of men and women throughout the state of Indiana feel confident in their appearance through vein removal.

About Vein Treatment

Unwanted spider and varicose veins can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, heavy lifting or your body’s natural aging process. These types of veins may be a cosmetic nuisance, but they can also cause swelling, discomfort or a feeling of heaviness in your legs. If you’re troubled by unsightly or protruding veins, non surgical laser vein treatment may help to significantly improve or even eliminate the appearance of these veins and their symptoms. In more severe cases, vein surgery may be required for optimum results.

You will be able to discuss your individual situation with one of our experienced cosmetic surgeons during your initial consultation, where you can also discuss your various vein treatment options and which might be the right one for you. For a better idea of what kinds of results you can expect, review our vein treatment before and after photo gallery

Your Vein Treatment Procedure

The most common vein treatment procedure is a process called sclerotherapy. This is a nonsurgical procedure that involves injecting a solution into the affected veins, which causes them to eventually collapse and disappear. Most people benefit from multiple sclerotherapy treatments, which generally take 15 to 20 minutes to perform, although the exact number of sessions required will depend on your unique situation.

Laser treatments may be another nonsurgical option that can help reduce the appearance of spider veins. Laser therapy can treat the small to mid-sized veins and may be particularly effective for veins that occur in the face. A handheld laser device passes over the treatment area and the laser gently penetrates the skin to target the veins. As the veins receive the laser’s light, they dissolve and are absorbed by the body.

Your Recovery & Results

Because both sclerotherapy and laser therapy are both non surgical, minimally invasive procedures, you should be able to return to your normal activities directly after vein treatment, although vigorous exercise is not recommended during the first 24 hours following your procedure. Compression stockings or socks can also be helpful after treatment to help to keep pressure off of your veins.

For men and women that have laser therapy, avoiding sun exposure after your session is important. There may be some initial redness immediately following the laser treatment which should dissipate over the subsequent days and weeks.

Within the following weeks and months, you should begin to see your final results in the form of smoother, uniform skin that is free of spider and varicose veins.

Schedule Your Consultation

To take the first step toward looking and feeling your best with the help of vein treatments, contact us online or call our office today.

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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