Neck Lift

The delicate skin on the neck is one of the first places where the signs of aging become apparent. In addition, weight loss or genetics can lead to fatty deposits in the chin and jaw area, or an excess of loose skin that becomes more visible over time. A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to improve the signs of aging in the neck and jawline.

Contact us online or call our office in Noblesville, Indiana to learn more about your options for neck lift surgery. Our team of cosmetic surgeons has helped thousands of people throughout the state of Indiana feel better about their appearance with the help of a neck lift procedure.

About Neck Lift Surgery

There are a variety of factors that can lead to the loss of youthful contours in the neck. Aging is the perhaps the most common, but other contributors include stress, genetics, environmental conditions and weight loss. If you have visible jowling, excess fat in the neck and chin area or loose skin in the neck, a neck lift can rejuvenate your facial features and help you appear younger.

Although neck tightening can be a good option for localized appearance concerns in the neck and jaw, some people may see more comprehensive results by combining neck lift surgery with a facelift. Others may find that removing fat from the neck with liposuction is enough to meet their needs. Your initial consultation is your chance to speak with one of our cosmetic surgeons and discuss your expectations to decide which approach may work best for you.

Your Neck Lift Procedure

The scope of your neck tightening surgery will depend on your individual goals, though a neck lift is generally a routine surgery that lasts 2 to 3 hours. While you may only need local anesthesia, there may be occasions where general anesthesia is recommended. We offer three different types of neck lift surgery from our cosmetic surgery practice:

Minimal Incision Neck Lift

Our cosmetic surgeons use advanced techniques to perform neck lift surgery using tiny incisions that are hidden behind the chin or ears. Excess fat is removed via these incisions using surgical excision or liposuction, and slack muscles can be tightened. When the neck muscle tightening process is completed, the skin is pulled smooth and the incisions are sutured.


A cervicoplasty is designed to remove loose skin from the neck to eliminate the ‘turkey neck’ look that can prematurely age an individual. Your cosmetic surgeon makes an incision behind both ears to tighten the skin while any loose skin is removed.


In platysmaplasty, your cosmetic surgeon makes the incision beneath the chin and will then partially remove, realign or suture the muscle. The end result is firmer, younger-looking neck contours.

Your Recovery & Results

You should plan to take 1 to 2 weeks off work after neck lift surgery. It’s also a good idea to have a friend or family member with you during the first 24 hours, as movement can be difficult. You should spend the first few days after your neck lift procedure in bed. Any discomfort can be improved with the help of oral medication.

It will be necessary to avoid strenuous activity for several weeks after neck lift surgery. You can anticipate some bruising and swelling for the first 4 to 10 days, but this can be covered up with makeup. An elastic bandage will be wrapped around your neck and head, and another bandage will be put beneath your chin. While you can remove the chin bandage, the elastic bandage must be worn for up to 2 weeks. Sutures are normally under the skin and do not require removal. The few staples that are in the hairline will need to be removed in around 1 week.

After neck lift surgery, you should see the benefits of tighter neck skin and a more defined jawline, with long-lasting results that you can expect to enjoy for the next 5 to 10 years.

Book Your Consultation

To take the first step toward looking your best with the help of neck lift surgery, contact us online or call our office today.

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