Chemical Peels

The delicate skin of your face can be one of the first places where signs of aging and sun damage begin to show in wrinkles, fine lines and age spots. These changes may add years to your face and give you a tired look. A chemical peel to shed damaged skin cells can help restore a younger, rejuvenated appearance.

Contact us online or call our office in Noblesville, Indiana to learn more about your options for skin rejuvenation. Our team of surgeons has helped thousands of men and women throughout the state of Indiana feel confident in their appearance through chemical face peels.

About Chemical Peels

If you’re interested in a minimally invasive way to revitalize the appearance of your skin and improve fine lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, freckles, shallow acne scars, sun-damaged skin, age spots, rough skin, scaly patches and other scars, a chemical peel may be right for you. By evenly removing the damaged outer layer to stimulate the growth of new skin underneath, a chemical face peel smoothes and rejuvenates facial skin. Chemical peels can also be performed on the neck, chest, hands, arms and legs.

During your initial consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will talk with you about your goals and discuss what level of improvement you can expect from a chemical peel and if a chemical peel may be right for you. If you are concerned about loose or sagging facial skin or the appearance of deep lines on your face, your cosmetic surgeon may recommend a face lift or injectable fillers to help you get the refreshed look you’re after.

Your Chemical Peel

Your cosmetic surgeon will recommend either a light, medium or deep chemical face peel based on your skin type and desired results. A superficial chemical peel removes only the outer layer of skin for a subtler change that can be enhanced with additional treatments. A light or superficial chemical peel can be an effective treatment for dry skin, acne, fine wrinkles and uneven pigmentation.

A medium chemical peel creates a smoother look and feel by removing the outer layer and the first part of the middle layer of skin and reducing the appearance of deeper wrinkles and acne scars. A deep chemical face peel can produce the most renewed look by removing deeper layers of skin to treat scars, sun damage, pre-cancerous growths and blotchy spots.

Our cosmetic surgeons use glycolic acid, beta lift, Jessner, trichloroacetic acid or carbolic acid alone or in mixtures depending on the type of peel. Most chemical peels are performed as outpatient procedures at our office or in a surgical suite.

Each chemical peel follows the same steps. Your face will be thoroughly cleaned, then a chemical solution will be brushed onto your face to separate and peel the outer layers of your skin. You may feel a burning or stinging sensation during your chemical peel. Your cosmetic surgeon may apply a local anesthetic for deep chemical peels. After the appropriate amount of time has passed, the chemicals are neutralized.

Your Recovery & Results

Immediately after a chemical face peel, your skin may look like it has a mild to more severe sunburn, which will fade to a pink color over the next several weeks.

A light peel generally results in some redness and possibly scaling that lasts for a few days. The recovery period is typically longer for deeper peels. Medium and deep peels may initially cause swelling and blisters that break open and form a brown crust, then your skin may peel for up to 2 weeks.

During the first day or two, your cosmetic surgeon may have you wear a dressing that covers some or all of the treated skin. Your post-care instructions may also include applying an ointment or cream to help your skin remain moist and following a home skin care plan to ensure proper healing. You should be able use cosmetics 2 weeks after your procedure.

As your skin heals, the new skin should be tighter, smoother and slightly lighter. Throughout your recovery, you should avoid any sun exposure because it can damage your new skin, which may be very sensitive and susceptible to injury. Always apply a sunscreen that is at least 15 SPF and blocks UVA and UVB rays about 20 minutes before you go outside.

Schedule Your Consultation

To take the first step toward looking and feeling your best with the help of a chemical peel, contact us online or call our office today.

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