Facial Liposuction

Excess fat in your face, chin and neck areas can have a negative impact on your overall appearance and self-confidence. But because these facial fat deposits are often hereditary and therefore don’t always respond to diet and exercise, they can be difficult or even impossible to get rid of with traditional methods alone. When this is the case, facial liposuction can help to slim and contour your face while also having the added benefit of boosting your self-image.

Contact us online or call our office in Noblesville, Indiana to learn more about our options for aesthetic, reconstructive and nonsurgical treatments. Our team of surgeons has helped thousands of men and women throughout the state of Indiana feel confident in their appearance through face liposuction.

About Facial Liposuction

If the contours of your face appear to be out of proportion with the rest of your body, face liposuction can be an effective solution to remove unwanted pockets of exercise-resistant fat in your face, chin or neck. Even after losing weight, some localized areas of fat might remain and may take away from your overall appearance. In this situation, a cosmetic procedure may be the only way to successfully remove and smooth these problem spots.

The best candidates for facial liposuction will be at or very close to their target weight prior to seeking treatment, have realistic expectations for their results and have good skin elasticity. At your consultation, we can further discuss your unique needs and goals and help you determine if you’re a good candidate for face liposuction. Men and women who have loose skin in the lower face in addition to fatty deposits may see better results from a facelift or neck lift.

If your primary concern is a double chin, Kybella™ is a nonsurgical alternative to chin liposuction that may be a suitable option for you. One of our skilled cosmetic surgeons can discuss the benefits of both surgical and nonsurgical facial procedures with you. For a better sense of the results you can enjoy from this facial contouring procedure.

Your Facial Liposuction Procedure

Facial liposuction techniques are very similar to those of traditional liposuction used in other areas of the body. Our experienced cosmetic surgeon will first inject an anesthetic solution into the treatment area for your optimal comfort. Your surgeon will then make a small, inconspicuous incision in the appropriate area of your face, chin or neck and will insert a special tube, called a cannula, with an attached suction device. The procedure permanently removes excess fat cells in the treatment area.

For many people, face liposuction is a fairly quick procedure, although the amount of time it takes can vary, as it depends on your specific situation.

Your Recovery & Results

Following your facial liposuction procedure, you may notice some swelling, bruising or numbness in the treated area(s), but mild pain relievers and cold compresses can help to alleviate these symptoms. Over the next few days, any side effects should diminish. Most men and women may resume their normal daily activities within 2 to 4 days after face liposuction, though everyone’s body will recover at a slightly different rate.

Because this procedure actually extracts the fat cells from your body, you can expect to enjoy long-lasting and even permanent results, provided you maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Your final results should reveal a slimmer, more contoured facial structure, leaving you looking and feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.

Schedule Your Consultation

To take the first step toward looking and feeling your best with the help of facial liposuction, contact us online or call our office today.

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Hours of Operation


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm





9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm