Thigh Lift

For men and women concerned about the appearance of their thighs, a thigh lift can help create smoother and more proportional contours that have a firmer, more youthful look and feel. Thigh lift surgery, or thighplasty, can be an effective treatment for excess skin and fat in the inner and outer thighs for people who haven’t seen results from diet and exercise or have experienced substantial weight loss.

Contact us online or call our office in Noblesville, Indiana to learn more about your options for thigh lift surgery. Our team of surgeons has helped thousands of men and women throughout the Indiana feel confident in their appearance through thigh lift surgery.

About Thigh Lift Surgery

The thighs can become a trouble spot as you age or lose a significant amount of weight. Your thighs may develop loose, saggy skin, cellulite and extra fat that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise, making you appear older and heavier. Your thighs may also look disproportionate to the rest of your figure and limit your clothing options. A thigh lift smoothes skin, firms tissue and removes fat for a sleeker shape that fits your proportions and boosts your self-confidence.

During your consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will listen to your concerns and goals for having thigh lift surgery and perform a physical examination. Your surgeon may talk with you about the differences between an inner and outer thigh lift and which one may be right for you. Because thigh lift surgery isn’t specifically intended for fat removal, your cosmetic surgeon may assess the amount of extra fat and recommend including liposuction to eliminate excess fat and improve the contours of your thighs.

For a better idea of what kinds of results you can expect from your procedure, review thigh lift before and after photos from our practice.

Your Thigh Lift Procedure

Thigh lift surgery is performed using IV sedation or general anesthesia based on your cosmetic surgeon’s recommendation for you. There are three types of thigh lifts that both include removing extra skin, re-draping the skin and tightening the underlying tissue for a smoother shape.

Inner (medial) thigh lift: An inner thigh lift focuses on removing loose skin and fat along the inside of the thigh. Though an incision in the crease of your groin, your cosmetic surgeon works to reshape the thigh from your knee up to your groin and may use liposuction to eliminate excess fat. Your incision may wrap around the back of your thigh but the incision should be placed where a swimsuit or clothing will cover the scar. Depending on the condition of your thighs, you may be a good candidate for a minimal incision that is confined to the groin area.

Mini thigh lift:The mini thigh lift is a less extensive version of the inner thigh lift and only addresses lax skin in the upper part of your thigh. You may have a smaller incision and a shorter recovery period but the results won’t be as dramatic.

Outer (lateral or bilateral) thigh lift: An outer thigh lift can be a more comprehensive surgery than an inner thigh lift because your cosmetic surgeon may remove more tissue and reshape buttocks in addition to the front and outer thighs. The incision may start in the crease of your groin and run up along the top your hip toward your buttock where underwear or a swimsuit would conceal the scar.

Your Recovery & Results

You may be sore after your thigh lift and experience swelling and bruising. Your cosmetic surgeon may recommend that you wear a compression garment or elastic bandages for the first couple weeks to minimize swelling and support the redefined contours of your thighs. You should rest for the first 10 to 14 days and move slowly and carefully as you sit, bend and walk. In the next few weeks, the swelling should subside and you can begin driving and walking for exercise again. You should avoid jogging, strenuous activity and heavy lifting for up to 8 weeks.

After a thigh lift, you should see an immediate difference in the look and shape of your thighs that improves as your body heals. If you maintain a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle, your results should be long lasting.

Schedule Your Consultation

To take the first step toward looking and feeling your best with the help of thigh lift surgery, contact us online or call our office today.

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9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm